So this past Friday was Spouses' Appreciation Day at Little Rock Air Force Base and it involved a flight on the C-130...a one hour flight over Greer's Ferry Lake where they would open the back ramp door for us to take pictures and where we would make a pass over Little Rock before landing...sounds like fun! Those of you that know me well also know that I am somewhat of a fearful flyer after a bad experience and although I fly A LOT I am always sitting at the edge of my chair wondering if that noise I just heard was the engines failing. Despite my recent fears involving large planes flying in the sky I REALLY wanted to experience the C-130...this is the plane Jason works with every day and has flown on countless times...I wanted to know what it was like.
Sarah and I arrived for breakfast and a briefing on the plane, the route, and safety precautions and were then put on a bus heading to the flightline to board the plane.
I can totally fly this think?
We were supposed to take off at 11 and by 11:30 we were told that there were uncontrollable issues keeping us on the ground so they decided to bus us back to the building to wait for more news. We were told that due to several different circumstances our plane wouldn't fly until 2 at the earliest and they took us to test out the NVGs (night vision goggles) to help pass the time. Unfortunately, I had an appointment at work which kept me from being able to wait for the plane to fly. All in all there were 4 planes that took spouses up and ours was the only one that had these problems...stink! So after all excitement I didn't end up getting to fly. I was very disappointed, but I did have fun and the weather was gorgeous. Sarah and I decided to eat our woes away at Chili's afterwards and that was fun too! Maybe I'll get another chance...just maybe!
Here is a video of one of the C-130's starting its engines...obviously not the one I was on!
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