Riley has mastered celebrating her birthday over numerous occasions and there is NOTHING wrong with that!
Saturday after spending a few hours with Jason the girls headed to Houston for my work party and the boys headed to San Antonio for a Robert Earl Keen concert!
We stayed with the Roebucks, the sweet parents of my college roommate Dana, and had so much fun catching up with them.
Riley especially loved all of the fun Christmas decorations that Mrs. Roebuck had out to play with!
While the Roebucks, my mom, and Riley went out to dinner I headed to my work party with my lovely date Jenn!
The party was a lot of fun and I went home with a Borders giftcard so I plan to get a few books that I have been eyeing. We stayed out pretty late and when Jenn dropped me back off at the Roebucks I came in to find Riley awake!
She had gone to bed at 8 but woke up at 10:45 looking for mommy and just couldn't go back to she played a little and watched some tv until I got home. Once I got there she acted a little like a crazy girl and then I was able to get her back down...until she heard me and my mom she slept with me...and I loved every minute of it!
Sunday morning we decided to have a little birthday bash for Cooper and Riley since they share such close birthdays and were both two and we were all in town Chuck E Cheese it was!
Riley was so excited to see Cooper...they have been in TX since before Thanksgiving so it was a reunion for these two!

Cooper was not quite as excited and pretty much remained mellow the entire party...until Riley started playing with a game he wanted...and vice versa. These two are a riot...they would each play with something and move on but if the other one went to play with whatever they had just finished with...they were peeved and it was the "mine" game!

Here's Coops making his daddy proud as he wanted to ride the airplane!

Riley was pretty good at bopping!

She had a little chat with Bob the Builder!

And they both rode the Barney ride together and had fun!

Serious game player!

Cake Time!

This picture tells it all...Riley is blowing her candle out and Cooper is trying to touch the fire on his candle! Silly boys!

Riley got a baby doll at her party and she was so excited about it...she's quite the little mama!

Grammie, Riley, and Me...the party was over and we had two tired but wired kiddos on our hands!

I fully expected Riley to conk out in the car and she did...but only for 40 minutes! I was SO tired from the Friday night late drive to pick up Jason and the late night at my work party so Grammie took over the wheel and I tried to sleep with Riley in the back...not much luck. She honked my nose, patted my cheeks, and pointed out every facial feature of mine making it impossible to sleep. When I would lay down away from her she would put the blanket on me, pat (a.k.a. slap) my back, and then squeal, laugh, and sing songs. She was non-stop! I think I have learned that sugar now affects her...we must keep it to a minimum!
We finally made it back to the lake and the boys had a great dinner cooked for us. As an added perk we made it back just in time for the of the BEST parts about being at the lake!

Riley was so excited to see Daddy again and play with would have never known she only slept 40 minutes all day!

Daddy's Girl!

We ate dinner and I fell asleep on the couch at 8:00...Jason sweetly tucked me in bed and I slept until 7:00 this was some much needed sleep and I felt like a new woman!
Don't worry...Riley still has more birthday celebrations to come!
Everyone needs at least one Chuckie Cheese birthday party! The pics of the lake are great! It's beautiful there!
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