A few weeks ago Sara found out that we could go to the Women of Faith conference in Sacramento with the base chapel! It was a great deal and a great opportunity and we couldn't pass it up!
Dinner, transportation, a hotel, and a great refreshing break from motherhood!
Friday afternoon we texted each other as we packed and planned our one night getaway!
We met the men in the parking lot and sent them off with the kiddos!!!
Jason was really looking forward to having the girls all to himself! I set him up and sent him an email with everything he needed to know about Miss T!
I got lots of cute pics sent to me throughout the night!
He took them out to dinner and they had a great time!
He discovered that Tessa loves lemons just like Riley did at that age!
The conference was great...lots of great speakers and music!
We got out pretty late and by the time we got to our hotel it was almost midnight and we were starving for some reason. We realized there was an Inn N Out just down the street so we did the smart thing and got some grub!!! It was delish!
We finally made it back to our room and got some sleep in the wee hours of the morning! Why is it that when we get a night away we're just having too much fun to sleep!!!!
We had to be in the lobby by 8:20 and that came way too soon!!!
We had another great day of amazing testimonies and were totally encouraged by so many stories about how God had worked in these women's lives!
We had a picnic lunch outside with our group and went back in for more sessions. I had gotten a few texts and pics from Jason and Tessa just didn't look herself and he said she was really sleepy!
He took the girls to Riley's soccer practice and T conked out!
Then he took them to a birthday party and sent me this pic of her in the swings! This girl loves to swing and he said she never even smiled so he started to question whether she was sick or not and thought she had a fever!
Riley was having a super fun day with her Daddy...girl's got some style!
He had gone ahead and given her some tylenol at the birthday party around 12:15 and when they got home at 2:30 he took her temp and it was 103.3....he was texting me all of this and I felt so helpless! I didn't have my own vehicle but knew I would find a way to get back if I needed to! He is such a great Daddy and he took the best care of her and encouraged me not to worry and stay where I was!
He put a cold compress on her for about a half hour and then took her temp again and this time it was 103.8. Since no one from the pediatric clinic was returning his page he decided to take her to the ER. I was pretty nervous but once again he encouraged me to stay and enjoy myself. I'm a mama though and I wanted nothing more than to be with her!
Riley went to play at Ollie's house...she was really sad that Tessa was sick. Luckily Jason didn't have to wait too long at the ER and when they took her temp it was 102.6 so it was going down a bit. Once the doc came in he discovered an inner ear infection...phew!
Once I knew it was an ear infection and she was already feeling better after she got on the meds I finally breathed a sigh of relief! We all ate at Joe's Crab Shack and I was able to enjoy myself!
Jason went to pick Riley up and Tessa was already perking up!
She had fun playing with Gavin and apparently gave him lots of kisses!
Hannah fed Jason a gourmet meal and he was finally headed home with our girls! I know he had an exhausting day and I'm so thankful for him and what a great Daddy and husband he is! I'm also thankful for such great friends who took care of him and my girls!!
Of course after T had spent most of the day sleeping she was ready to play when they got home since her medicine had started to kick in!
Apparently she was calling me and telling me to come home...so cute!
It was a great night away for me and I'm so thankful Tessa didn't have something more serious going on! I couldn't wait to get home and get my arms around my girls and Jason!
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