I just love this time of year!
We waited until Jason came home to visit Impossible Acres and it was such a great family day!
Riley had a blast climbing the bales of hay!
Miss Tessa loved the pumpkins but more than that she loved the hay and she kept trying to eat it all afternoon!
Pretty girl!
Checking out the hay!
There was a great folk band playing and Riley was totally into listening and dancing!
When she asked her Daddy to dance with her there is no way he was going to say anything other than "yes"
Our dancing girl...she had a blast!
Then it was off to check out the animals!!
Sweet ducklings!
We put Tessa in the pig pen and she wasn't quite too sure what to think!!! The piggies loved her!
Time to brush the pony!
Then the kitties...she begged us for one...we won that battle! :)
We got some pictures...Riley was NOT in a picture taking mood but we still managed to get some good ones!
I just love my girls!
Tessa is such a sweet pumpkin!
Riley is quite the diva!
Sure love my family and our sweet time together!
After all that fun we found a great spot for our picnic dinner...I had packed us all something to eat in our big picnic basket which is Riley's favorite thing to do! We had a yummy dinner and then it was time for a little hide and seek!
And who wouldn't want kisses from this sweet girl?
We loaded up some tired girls and drove through Starbucks on our way home...our thing these days is the Salted Caramel Mocha...and Jason is so sweet to often let me drink the last sips of his...those are THE best! Love that man!
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