Well we've had Jason home for four days and it has been great...there are definitely adjustments but we have enjoyed our time together and Riley has definitely taken to her Daddy!
We captured some video from when Jason came home and after several technical difficulties I finally have it all put together so I'll share it with you here...
Riley received her first baby doll from her DiDi and PaPa and this was her way of saying "Thanks for my doll, but I'm tired...see ya'll later"

God's grace is good and if anyone knows Jason well you know that he and cold weather are NOT friends. Several days before Jason came home we were having an ice storm with temperatures barely reaching above freezing. When Jason came home, however, it was an absolutely beautiful day. It was a little windy but it was sunny and 70 degrees...doesn't get much better than that. God graced him with just one day of that weather because now we are back in the teens and twenties so it is ridiculously cold!
After 4 months in Iraq Jason wanted to celebrate with a meal at P.F. Chang's...we celebrated his homecoming and also Riley's birthday...she even got to open a few presents...Jason sampled just about everything on the menu and P.F. Chang's offered drinks on the house in appreciation of Jason's service...very nice of them! Here's Riley and her Daddy opening presents...
Our weekend was spent hanging out, playing with Riley, and just catching up and hearing all about his experiences...good family time. We feasted on several of the meals that I had frozen and watched some movies as well. It reminded me of the time we spent together for the first 3 weeks of Riley's life since Jason was off and we just got to hang out...just what we needed!
We went to church on Sunday and had lunch with our friends...mexican food this time! We then spent the afternoon with Jason's family and had dinner with them. One of Riley's birthday presents was her first doll and stroller and she is so fun to watch in action. At first she worried me with her maternal instinct as she would pull the baby out of the stroller, throw it on the ground, and just move along with the stroller. We have been working on hugging the baby, kissing the baby, and not throwing it on the ground! She is a girl on a mission with this stroller and sometimes she has her binky purse in one hand and her other hand on the stroller and she is OFF! She can't stear yet so she just goes straight in which ever direction you send her...it's just so fun to watch!
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