We had Riley's birthday party this past weekend and it was so much fun! We had a cupcake themed party with all kinds of great food, great friends, and yummy cupcakes!

I stole this flower cupcake idea from a book at Michael's...an never even bought the book! How bad is that? They were super cute and very easy...Jason even helped put them together...he took on the task of cutting the marshmallows and applying the sprinkles...here's a picture for proof!

Here's the scrumptous spread...thanks to DiDi for putting most of the food together!

Here's the decorations...
And the favors...chocolate covered pretzel sticks...I could have eaten all of these!

We never have to coax Riley to eat so there was no doubt she would eat up her cupcake but we weren't sure whether she would put on a show or eat daintily! Turns out she started out pretty dainty and Jason tried to get her to get dirty...she ended up getting pretty into the cupcake and icing towards the end and cried pitifully when we pulled the cupcake away! I made Paula Deen's Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Icing and they were awesome! I have to come clean and tell you that while making the cupcakes I obviously left an ingredient out on one of the batches...I'm thinking it was the baking soda...they didn't rise and they were pitiful! Good thing they were super easy to make so we just threw another batch together! You've got to try these out! So here's Riley in her special birthday hat from Becky...she didn't like it at first but by the end she was totally fine with it!

Riley had more "boy" friends at her party than girls...nothin' wrong with that!
Ashley and Deacon

Jennifer and Chandler
Andrea and Reed...still cookin' in her belly, but we can't wait to meet him!

And of course Haylie...yeah for another girl...her and Riley are such cute friends!

Grammie and JoePa

Jason helped Riley open all of her presents...she did pretty well! She almost didn't make it through the last two...it seemed she had a sugar high and then a sugar low! We are so blessed to have such great friends and family...thank you all for the special gifts for Riley!

A girl can never have enough purses right...is she too young to understand this concept? Riley absolutely LOVES purses, backpacks, bags...anything she can hang on her arm or throw over her shoulder...what a little girl!

We love you so much Riley and hope you had a great first birthday! This first year has flown and you are changing every day, but we love having you in our life...what a blessing you are!
Happy birthday Riley! I am so glad that you all were able to celebrate together! Hey Lauren, could you email me your email address please? mine is cschinzler at gmail dot com. thanks!
Wow cutest cupcakes ever. Let me know if your book has any cute ideas for a boy party that is construction/tonka pals themed.
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