Well life has been a bit crazy and blogging has had to take a back seat!
I have been super busy with work as we are launching a pilot project next week...more to come on that...but with that I am going to be taking two trips to the thriving metropolis of San Angelo, TX over the next few weeks to see this project through.
Just when we thought we had the timing of all of my trips worked out Jason's deployment got moved up a week and threw us for a loop. Thankfully everything has fallen into place but it has made for a busy time in our life!
We had a great visit from Grammie and JoePa last weekend...more to come on that!
With Jason's deployment moving up we decided to take a few days this week to make some last trips. John and Amanda were nice enough to watch Riley for two nights while Jason and I went to Tahoe to ski! We just got home this afternoon and couldn't wait to snatch up Riley!
We are heading out in the morning to Monterey and Carmel for a quick family trip and we are really looking forward to it! Gotta love California and the ability to go from snowtop mountains to the ocean in just hours!
In the midst of the craziness we have had lots of fun with Riley!
DiDi bought her a huge play dough set for Valentine's Day and we have had lots of fun playing with it!

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