Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our Little Baby now a Big Girl

One night last week Riley was playing one of her favorite games...putting Mommy and Daddy to sleep. I'm not sure where her fascination in this comes from but nevertheless she could play this game for hours.
Here's how you play:
Riley: "Mommy...go night night"
I lay on the floor and if I'm not laying precisely to her standards then
Riley: "Rooooolll over"
So I roll over and then
Riley: "Close eyes Mommy"
So I close my eyes and she precedes to take her blanket of choice and sweetly cover me up including putting the blanket over my head.
She then "pats" my back which is a term I use loosely because really she is slapping my back!
However, if I speak up and ask her to be gentle then
Riley: "Shhhhhh Mommy"
So I go back to sleep!
Well a friend of mine called in the middle of this game and if I wanted any chance to chat with her I had to come up with something for Riley to do...so I took Riley in her room and for whatever reason let her play in the blanket drawer in her dresser and by the time I got off the phone her room was COVERED in blankets!
Jason came in and we were folding them all up and putting them away when we spotted the hospital blankets that we brought her home from the hospital in...tear tear!
We were reminiscing on our former swaddling skills when Riley was this size...

I still remember how important the swaddle was...it determined the fate of our sleep!

Once she had fallen asleep after I fed her we would ever so carefully lay out the blanket, swaddle her up, and plop her in bed! We used to call her our Riley burrito!

So with all the blankets out we decided to show Riley how we used to swaddle her up!

And here's the big girl Riley burrito!

She quickly realized that she couldn't move and she wasn't to thrilled with that!

Milk makes everything better though!
It's amazing how fast they grow!
The last few weeks we have really noticed Riley's communication go to an entirely new level! She is talking back and forth with us, still repeating a lot of what we say, but also saying things like "Daddy make food" after seeing Jason cooking at the stove.
It's very cool to be able to communicate and reason with her!
She used to refer to Grammie and JoePa as "Geee" and "PaPa" and their names have turned into "Gammie" and "JoePa"...they are coming to visit this weekend and we can't wait!
I kept joking that Riley's New Year's Resolutions were to get rid of the "dinky" (pacifier) and to potty train...she's making great progress!
Potty training has gotten SOOOOOO much better and she is truly getting it. I wanted to throw in the hat those first few weeks because I wasn't convinced she really knew what was going on but other moms kept encouraging me to stick it out and I'm so glad we did. She is able to tell me when she needs to go and I am constantly hearing her say "No help" as she wants to do it all by herself!
Going #2 is always tricky because every little gas bubble she feels results in a trip to the potty which is great, but can be tricky as well. The other night she ran into the potty saying "Doodoo balls" about 5 times before the actual event occurred...it was so cute!
She only had a few accidents over the entire last week and I'm so proud of her!
If you want to know how smart this girl is let me tell you a funny story related to potty training! We have been way behind on watching American Idol so a couple nights this past week we would let her watch American Idol with us while we all ate dinner...she would be in her highchair and she was tougher than Simon as we would ask her if someone should go on to Hollywood and she always yelled "No"...frankly and to the point! One of these nights she was wanting out of her high chair and we were telling her she needed to eat some more food first. In the midst of this battle she yells "PooPoo PooPoo" and of course I jump up and go to get her out of the highchair so we can make it to the potty. As soon as I unsnapped the tray from the highchair she said "No poopoo No poopoo"...WHAT? She cried wolf just to get out of the highchair! We were shocked and realized how much we are going to have to watch that little stinker!
As for the dinky, we have completely limited it to naps and bedtime and while she sometimes will ask for it we do not give in and we don't take it anywhere with us...it was just as hard to break us from giving it to her as it was for her to not have it! I'm not sure when we will remove it for good but I'm fine with it just being used while she's sleeping! Having it fall out of her crib during the middle of the night is the only thing that will cause her to wake up so I think that will be a rough transition..one thing at a time!
She grows so fast but our love for her grows even faster!


Ashley said...

She is getting so big...I can't wait to see her. My nephew pulled the potty card everytime it was time to eat until he was like 4, so that may take a while to get through. I found that I missed Deacon having a paci most when we were out in public :) It sounds like she is doing great at both.