When Jason's not here me and Riley do what we do best...stay busy!
Monday night I had Bible study at my house and that was a good distraction since Jason had left that morning. We started Beth Moore's Esther study and I am super excited about it!
I am so blessed by these girls...there are 7 of us with deployed hubbies all at the same time so I can foresee lots of girl time over the next few months!
Tuesday Riley and I got to meet my friend Nicki's new baby Will...a miracle baby for sure! He's as handsome as can be and a great baby. After meeting Will, we met up with John, Amanda, and Maddie for our usual Chipotle and Cold Stone date! The girls held hands and ran around when we weren't eating...they had a ball! The Habbestad's move to Texas in a few weeks and with all of the craziness of our schedules this is our last week to hang out together...too many goodbyes for one week that's for sure.
Wednesday we took Riley and Maddie to paint...Riley made some gifts and something special to send to her Daddy!
The weather here is absolutely perfect...it just doesn't get any better so today we took full advantage!
The girls came over here this morning for our Thursday morning walk...it made it easy on me to take a quick break from work and get outside with everyone.
We were a sight that's for sure...a walking Bob stroller advertisement...5 strollers...7 kids!

Oh my gosh!!! I loved the Esther study...I hope you do too
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