Friday, November 27, 2009
Giving Thanks and Gearing up for Christmas...
Posted by Lauren P. at 11:24 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
My little Mama!
Posted by Lauren P. at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
23 Months...
She has quite a personality and is constantly hamming it up if she has an audience!
Here's what she's been up to these days:
- Eating great...her favorite is yogurt these days as I am pushing it daily to try and keep her healthy! She eats great with a spoon but if she's left too long in her high chair she will throw her plates and utensils on the floor...she gets in a bit of trouble for that! She makes a great mess with her yogurt and often resorts to eating it by the fistful rather than using her spoon!
- Sleeping...well now that we are several weeks past Daylight Savings Time we have finally gotten back to our original wake up time somewhere between 7 and 8...thanks goodness! I'm still not sure why we have to do Daylight Savings Time...uugghhh! She is napping much better at school getting pretty consistent 1 1/2 hour long naps...on school days she has to be in bed by 7:30 at the latest but on weekends she is still pulling 3 hour naps and can stay up later so at least she still has some flexibility!
- Loving her baby dolls...what a little mama we have! She is into changing the diapers of her stuffed animals and dolls and she has even tried to change our diapers...except we don't wear them in case you were wondering! Riley received two huge boxes in the mail today from her Aunt Gaby and her DiDi with all of Gaby's Bitty Baby stuff so there will be another entire post on getting to play with all of her new baby dolls and their gear! Here she is changing one of her baby doll's diapers!
- Hygiene...Riley is definitely into hygiene and copying everything mommy and daddy do! She likes it when we put deodorant (with the cap still on) on her, put aftershave on her face, spray her with body spray, let her play with mommy's makeup brushes, and apply chapstick! Her all time favorite is brushing her teeth and this has actually become a problem because she has trouble parting with the toothbrush...I'm talking a full blown meltdown! She either melts down because we won't apply more toothpaste, because it's time to put her toothbrush away, or because she wants to brush with one of our toothbrushes..I tell ya it's rough! Sometimes she does great and sometimes I hesitate to even embark on the teeth brushing adventure...I guess there could be worse things though!
- Reading...Riley loves reading books before bed and she has started reading to us and her babies as well. She will grab a book, point her finger like she's following the words, babble, and then go "rrrooooaaarrrrrr" and laugh's so fun!
- Singing...We all know she loves to dance and that will NEVER change but she knows so many songs now...I'll let the videos below prove it!
So here's two of my all time favorite videos of Riley and they were just taken last have to watch them all the way through...if these don't make you crack up then something's plain wrong with you!
This first one is when I was attempting to capture some of Riley's current talents on video and she was too mesmerized with the camera so I decided to turn the screen so she could see herself...this actually worked well but you can see she recognized herself and just talked to herself the whole time...too funny! Also check out the princess wave we have going on these days...I have NO idea where she came up with this but I love it!
This second one happened shortly after the first was taken when Jason called us on his way home....I decided to give her the phone to talk to him which I had never done before and he is on speaker...she just yacks and yacks forever, sings, counts, and lots's long but trust me it's worth watching!
Happy 23 Months to Miss Riley!
Posted by Lauren P. at 1:01 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Park and a Party!
Posted by Lauren P. at 11:07 PM 1 comments