- Still sleeping well...she has woken up in the middle of the night more in the past month than usual...I think it's a combination of teeth making their debut and her ability to pull up in the crib...she's quickly back to sleep and still sleeps 10-12 hours...her bedtime is usually anywhere between 7:15 and 8:30 depending on how her day went.
Talking more and more...her most noticed word is "doggy"...watch the video below to see! She says "dada" a lot and "nana" when she wants her momma! She has many conversations throughout the day...I wish I knew what she was saying!
Recognizing her daddy...every night we are home Riley watches a DVD of Jason reading a bedtime story to her...he has sent us 2 DVDs so we have a selection of 8 stories...we also see Jason every Sunday on the webcam. When Jason left his biggest fear was that when he came off the plane to come home she wouldn't know who he was...here's proof that he has nothing to worry about...this little girl knows who her daddy is and she can't wait for him to be tangible and not just on the computer screen!
Crawling like a pro, pulling up, and at church yesterday she stood on her own for about 10 seconds...she is very fast and into EVERYTHING! I wonder why we worry about getting her all these toys when all she wants to do is open the kitchen cabinets, play with tupperware, and rip up my magazines! It's so fun to see her mind intrigued! Here's the little munchkin attacking the kitchen!
Intentionally dropping things...now that Riley can pull up she loves to stand up holding onto something and find a toy to intentionally drop and pick it up...OVER and OVER again...she is already testing the "practice makes perfect" cliche!
Riley has four teeth now and two more on the way...she has her two bottom middle teeth and her two top middle teeth...her smile gets cuter and cuter each day! She has two more top ones on the way in
Eating like a champ...as you've seen in previous posts this little girl likes to eat...I am lucky because I have no issues with getting her to eat or her being picky...she'll pretty much eat anything and eat it all! She's on solid foods all the time and only a few more weeks until she will start real milk...hopefully that's a good transition!
Riley's favorite song is Itsy Bitsy Spider and I always do the hand motions when I sing it and now Riley is trying to do the hand motions with me...she's pretty good and has the jist of what to do!
Riley is now taking baths in the tub like a big girl...no bath seat or anything! She does pretty well...sometimes she attempts to crawl around or pull up to get something...it's hard to manhandle a wet slipper baby but I manage to show her that she has to stay on her bottom! She loves to play in the bath and gets upset EVERY time I take her out of the bath tub...she would play all night if I let her!
Our little girl is growing like a weed...my next monthly update will be on her first birthday! We love you Riley!
Riley...you are SO smart & CUTE CUTE CUTE! I'm having Riley withdrawals...can I come back???
Happy Birthday precious one!
Love, Grammy & JoePa
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