Happy 4th of July from the Purcell girls!!!

I have been working on this post for the past three days...my blogging app on my iPad has been totally crapping out on me and I've retyped this numerous times so until they get their stuff together I'm back to the laptop for now...I love/hate technology sometimes!!!
We are so excited around here because we are in the last two weeks of this deployment and it's finally starting to hit me that Jason will be home...real soon!
We have been staying busy and with a fun visit from my parents this next weekend time will fly and he will be home before we know it.
Last week we went to the Farmer's Market in Davis with some friends!
Erin and Sammy

Me and my rascal...

The weather was great and it was such a hopping place to be...all kinds of food, music, jump houses, and even pony rides! We had a great time but when you have the world's most outgoing child this is not fun to do as a solo parent. Riley was bummed that I wouldn't let her "run with her friends" who happened to be complete strangers. Riley was bummed that I got her a hot dog instead of a corn dog. Riley was bummed when I pulled her out of line to jump in the bounce house and decided that her 'tude had reached it's limit and it was time to head home. I wish we could have stayed longer but I'm glad I put my foot down because she responded and was SO good the rest of the evening...this parenting thing is tough! We'll definitely go back when her Daddy comes home and I know he won't be able to pass up a pony ride for his little girl!
Thursday was a big day at school for Riley! It was cooking day, water play day, and snow cone day...all in one!
I went up early to join in the fun...here's Riley and her friend Sophia taking pictures like me!

Riley and all of her friends made a vegetable and pasta soup...brave to serve to 2 year olds! Riley was very involved in making the soup as she loves to help cook these days so she was excited to taste her soup!

Check out how she's sitting...quite the lady!

One happy girl...and yes that would be my child with a carrot in her mouth and a smile on her face...that's what we call a miracle folks!

After eating soup, we headed outside and the kiddos ran around and played in the sprinklers!

Snow cone time!

Me and my girl!

Hugs for Miss Tracy!

Friday Riley played in the sprinklers in our yard and had so much fun!

Life is good!

Saturday she and I went to Ikea to exchange something and get some black out curtains for this girls room because it is not cool that the sun is out in full force at 5:30 in the morning causing my child to wake up at 6:15 saying "I wake up...it's not darken anymore!" I haven't put them up yet but in the meantime I have hung several blankets over her windows in full out ghetto style all for the sake of more sleep!
While we were at Ikea she had fun sliding!

After Ikea we went to this fun shopping center called The Fountains...hence the pretty fountains! We had to make a trip to Anthropologie to look for a knob that was broken off of Riley's dresser in our move last year...yeah I'm all over my to-do list! Turns out they didn't have the right stinkin' color and they ordered one for me...however considering that I need a turquoise knob and the associate assured me that the color is Olive I'm not sure I will be getting the correct knob after all...we shall see!
We had fun nonetheless even if the trip didn't result in crossing something off my list!

We grabbed lunch at a build your own burger place and it was delish...complete with sweet potato fries!!!
On one of our trips to the bathroom Riley informed me that the feminine product receptacle is where the kangaroos go doo doo balls...she left me speechless!
On a very happy note, I cut Riley's first curls off her hair last night and removed her mullet!

She has never had her hair cut and while to the human eye her mullet was not obvious because of her curls, she had this one section of hair that was significantly longer than the rest and it was very obvious after bath time. This one long piece of hair was starting to lose curl because it was weighing down so I chopped it off and all is well!
Oh my gosh Lauren, this post made me laugh...too funny.
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