Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I have been tagged...

Well this is a first for me, but I have been tagged by my dear friend Nicole who reminded me of a great story where I horribly burnt some popcorn in her microwave when I was hanging out at her apartment in high was hilarious! I am supposed to post three random things about myself so here goes:

1. I am a horrible nap taker...I have never really taken naps well because I am the type of person that wakes up in a panic when I nap because I am afraid I have missed something...I hate to miss things! I have to admit that I have gotten better at napping since Riley has been in my life b/c there is nothing better than snuggling with your little girl, but when I think of the perfect day I don't think I would have a nap in there anywhere...silly me!

2. My biggest pet peave is smacking...CAN'T STAND IT! That will be the first table manner that Riley learns is to chew with her mouth closed. Sometimes Jason will smack his gum in my ear just to get a rise out of me...what a sweetie!

3. I used to be "ghetto"...many of you know the story / stories behind this but a brief synopsis would be that I wanted a candy apple red empala with hydraulics for my first car...this was a brief stage I went through in 8th grade and then I met Jason my freshman year in high school and he "converted" me! HaHa!

Well I hope that the way Nicole...I always think of how you would hang up your clean clothes in your closet inside out! That always cracked me up!

I tag Becky, Megan, and Tara...tell us some random things about you!


Nicole said...

The clothes hanging thing....I totally remember that! I remember you closing your eyes and just laughing, laughing, laughing! I'm glad to say that all of my clothes are now hung right side out. I was just lazy back then! I was lucky to even get them on a hanger!!

Anonymous said...

that was hilarious BTW and really got me giggling because my cousin amanda almost burnt popcorn when she was here!! i'm glad you learned of the 2-3 second pop rule--better late than never!