Sorry this post is a little late...we have had intermittent internet problems! My mom has been begging for Riley pictures since the last post just had me and Jason! So here's to you mom...a Riley fix...for now! after making it to the one year mark it feels funny to count Riley's age in months still but I like keeping track of her milestones by month so here goes...
- Sleeping well...except for last night and today! Bedtime for Riley has been around 7 or 7:30 and she wakes up between 6:45 and 7:30...not bad! At home she has been moving to just one nap a day but it will be a long one...2-3 hours! Last night she went to bed at 9:30, woke up at 2:30 and then back to sleep and woke up at 6:40...and only two 20 minute naps today...geez! Hopefully last night and today were just a random fluke...needless to say she was SUPER tired tonight and was asleep by 6:45!
- Eating surprise here! We still haven't found anything this little girl doesn't like...she even had tastes of Egg Drop soup and Hot and Sour soup at lunch today and you can see from my previous post that lemons don't phase her. At her 12 month doc appt I was surprised to find that she had only gained 12 oz in the previous 3 months and dropped to 50th percentile weight but remained at 90th percentile height...nothing wrong with long and lean and the doc said this was normal to see a drop in weight percentile when they start becoming more mobile! She eats like a horse so we are definitely not worried! Here's the proof...
- Walking...not all the time and not all by herself but definitely walking! She will take about 10 steps at a time here and there and she's more likely to do so if she's going between me and Jason...she gets the biggest grin and then just falls in our cute! She still resorts to crawling when she really needs to get some where and I think her crawling has even gotten faster...if I turn my back she's gone! We have gotten her a play yard for our living room which is a total "safe zone" for her and allows us to get things done every now and then...mainly she is here in the morning while I get ready for work and we rotate the toys so she's always having fun and she plays really well in there! Here's the view we see most of the time...
- Yackety yack yack yack...that is what Riley is doing ALL the time...a true little girl! She imitates us reading books, she sings songs, and her main words are "doggy" "dada" "gaga" "uh oh" and FINALLY...."mama"! Doc worked with her on the "mama" while we were in Mexico and his hard work paid off because she finally started saying "mama" this week!
- Signing...Jason started working with her on sign language when he got home and she picked it up so is so cool to be able to communicate with her in this way. It also helps in her frustrations of learning what she can and can not play with because when she has gotten something she shouldn't we can sign "please" to her in order to get the item back and she gets much less upset than just taking it away...proof that she actually understands the concept! We started with "please" and "thank you" and we are still working on "milk", "more", and "all done"'s a video of her manners!
- Learning her body far she knows her belly, her nose, her ears, and her eyes...she likes to sing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" so I have been working with her on those but she doesn't quite have them down yet...she is such a sponge!
- Still has 5 teeth...they have just come in more and now she is learning to brush her teeth!
- She has gotten over her bath temper tantrums...I handed the task over to Jason when he came home and I have only given her one bath since but she seems to enjoy them once again...hallelujah! Her daddy gave her an extra bubbly bath tonight and she had lots of fun!
- Blowing kisses...this has to be one of my favorites! She even makes the lip smacking noise...just melts my heart!
- Riding in her big girl car least in my car! Riley technically still fits in her carrier seat since it accommodates babies up to 30 pounds but we needed a seat for each car since pulling the carrier out is anything but practical these days so we got her a big girl car seat and put that in my car and she is so cute riding forward! I love it because I watch her in the rear view mirror taking everything in! So far she hasn't had a problem riding forward in my car and backwards in Jason's...she's pretty easy going so we hope she keeps it up!
Note how curly her hair is...she got that from her momma!
We are cherishing each and every moment with this little girl and each day gets more fun! I love walking around holding her hand and she loves it too because we could do it for hours!
Here are some cute shots from this past week!Riley is wearing her daddy's boots
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