This past Saturday Jason's squadron had a picnic at the park and it was quite the party! The park was right by our house and it's a huge enough for lots of people to have parties so when we arrived there were bounce houses everywhere and people cooking all kinds of food! We ended up being there for over 6 hours and Riley played like a champ running on only a 45 minute nap that we snuck in before we headed to the park!
When we arrived she ran like a wild child checking everything out!
Family pic!
For proof look at my sweet little girls dirty dirty feet and cute sandals that now reside in the trash...they weren't worth cleaning and her toes were beginning to hang over the ends so we said our goodbyes!
Even after an exhausting day at the park Riley put on her party girl hat and said she was ready for more!
And more we did...instead of being the parents who rushed home to bathe their stinky child and get them to bed after a LONG day of playing outside we figured we would just keep having fun...we also heard there was a bike sale going on at a local sports store and since we have been looking into getting bikes for all of us to ride we headed there to check them out!
She looks thrilled doesn't she! She got on a few tricycles while we were there and is almost big enough to take a stab at that so I think that may be what Santa or her birthday brings her this year!
I'm glad we went even though I was so exhausted...I ran after kiddos all day and sat down for only a few seconds to scarf down a hot dog! We found bikes for Jason and I and a front riding seat for Riley...all for a great deal! Jason's bike was in stock, but mine won't be in for a few weeks. We have so many parks and bike trails that we really wanted to make biking a family event so in the next few weeks we can start riding together! I had a reality check, however, as I rode a bike in the store and realized I haven't ridden a bike in several years...haha!
Here's Riley in her new bike helmet...we actually haven't bought hers yet but I'm pretty sure we are going to get her this ducky one!
After our bike shopping we headed to a Chinese restaurant that Jason had been itching to try since we moved here...sort of a spin on PF Changs since we don't have one locally and the food was very good. After all of that it was home, quick baths/showers for all of us, and we were all quickly asleep! A fun but exhausting day!
I can't wait to see the bike with the seat for Riley. We really want to bike as a family when Amelia gets older, so let us know how it goes. Fun post--fun day.
Looks like Riley had a really good time. I need a 4x6 of the feet pic-way tooooo cute!! Happy for you all. Love, Mom
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